This 6.6KW OBC is a unique gadget that offers you the facility of charging electric cars at higher rate as compared to other chargers available in the market today. At Semcon, the 6.6KW OBC name stands for 6. It could be compared to the biggest and strongest battery of all time, that you can connect straight into your car, giving it juice necessary for driving.
If you just plug your electric car into a regular charger, it could take all night to power up. Your car could take as long as 16 hours to fully charge. That said, a 6.6KW OBC enables rapid charging so you can spend less time waiting to get back on the road!
How so ever some of the electric cars can shift from 0 to 80% in just 30 minutes with a proper utilisation of a present new age-appropriate charger known as OBC (On-Bord-Charger) which have output power till around —-6.6 KW! This means you will be back on the road much quicker, which is really nice.
The first neat little aspect of the 6.6KW OBC is that it allows your electric vehicle to cover more mileages with a single charge. After all, your electric car only goes so far before you have to recharge it. The 6.6KW OBC has you flying on the range way before it to zeroes, so no sour face early morning correct rate charging required from here please!
I mean who wouldn't love the idea of charging their electric car at night! Charge it in the evening, so that when you get up next morning full battery and ready to go. It also means that you can now get further from a charging station than ever before without breaking sweat.
Arenas of open parking have above hundreds charging station to hire an electric car. Similar to gas stations, these are instead net-metered mini power-stations (sub 10 kW). In place of pumping gas your car with liquid, plug it into charge to fill up on electricity.
Some of these public charging stations support 6. What this means is that you can plug your car in and charge it up to the max while shopping or chilling out. This technology allow you to drive your electric car for longer distance without having a fear of running out the power.
AODl has highly skilled R D + technology core team solid professional knowledge extensive experience renowned automotive power supply as well as electronic system businesses. Innovation creativity, market-leading spirit, 6.6KW OBC handles the situation, ability to work as a team, continuous experimentation testing of the latest applications materials, continual process improvement innovation. can fulfill the requirements of our clients and provide customized design.
يتضمن AODl 3 خطوط SMT آلية، و4 خطوط تجميع، وخط تجميع مؤتمت بالكامل، وورشة عمل مخصصة، وخط تعبئة مؤتمت بالكامل، بالإضافة إلى مستودع مغلق يتم الحفاظ عليه في درجة حرارة ثابتة ورطوبة. مستودع مجهز بنظام الأمن الكهروستاتيكي. تلبي ورشة SMT معايير مقاومة الغبار التي تبلغ 1 درجة، ويمكن أن تسمح لنا طرق اللحام والتعبئة الآلية المتقدمة بقدرة سنوية تبلغ 100,000 وحدة. إن AODl عالي الطاقة والكفاءة والموثوقية العالية ومتين للغاية 30000KW OBC ما يجعل AODl متميزًا عن المنافسة .
AODl a world-class automotive laboratory, covering EMC, EMI, environment, durability, safety testing, etc. 6.6KW OBC has been authorized by CNAS. As per the ISO17025 standard for standardizing lab management testing processes prior to mass production of new products, DV/VP testing must be approved. also have got IATF16949, ISO14001:2015, ISO45001 and ISO17025 certificates. Nearly all of products meet specifications CE, ETL, CB, CEC, and other requirements. Always we provide highest level of service fast responses customers.
AODI a leading high-tech firm located in China. holds two patents national inventions as well as 11 utility model patents that national. In addition, it has three registrations for technological and scientific accomplishments as well as 15 copyrights, 3 software products. Since the past 15 years we've been pursuing subject charging electric vehicles, industrial 6.6KW OBC like golf carts and forklifts and also AWPs.
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